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5-6 June - DFI Presents at Commonwealth Debt Forum

Monday, 10 June 2019 08:21

DFI presented at the Commonwealth Debt Forum in London, on The Changing Face of Financing and its implications for debt management. The presentation focused on the key new types of financing for low and middle-income countries: domestic debt markets; global bond markets; public-private partnerships; and new forms of less concessional South-South cooperation. It provided ideas on how mobilise the best examples of such financing; and how to restructure such financing in the event of a debt crisis. The presentation can be opened here. The rest of the conference covered natural disasters, transparency, contingent liabilities, and green and blue bonds, and provided the forum for launching the new Commonwealth Meridian debt management system of which DFI will be the sole distributor for non-Commonwealth countries. The conference can be found here.


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