January 16, 2025
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Awareness, training and dissemination

National Taskforces hold awareness events to inform the private sector on the need for, and modalities of asking for information about their financing, and their perceptions about the investment climate. They solicit private sector views on questionnaire design (e.g. is the form user-friendly and relevant). The target group comprises CEOs and their Finance Managers. As the group of invitees is relatively small, intensive media support ensures the main messages are transmitted much more widely to the private sector.

Subsequent training is targeted at reinforcing or building staff skills in all technical aspects of monitoring, analysing and formulating policy on foreign private capital, including an applied understanding of technical concepts, questionnaires, fieldwork, data quality control, software, analysis, and dissemination. It is directed at technical and managerial staff from within the National Taskforce participating agencies.

Results dissemination events target the same group as awareness events. They provide a platform for National Taskforces to present the analytical findings and policy recommendations that support the development of focused government policies and improved dialogue with the private sector. This enables all stakeholders to share their views on the project and discuss further plans for establishing sustainable structures and financing for work in this area.

In many countries, these three events can be combined into one: an event to release the results of a national project can also be used to raise awareness and provide training for the next exercise.


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