Guidelines and Methodology
Why is Capacity Measured?
Country Capacity Self-Evaluation methodology is intended to assist countries to identify their relative strengths and weaknesses, the priorities for capacity building, and their progress over time and against other countries; to target support to the greatest effect; and to assess the impact of donor support.
How is Capacity Measured?
Capacity is measured using an objectively defined methodology, to facilitate comparison across countries and over time. Countries update their scores every 6 months, in consultation with DFI. The agreed scores are assessed against “Baselines” (the point at which support began) and “Targets” (anticipated scores a country expects to attain as a result of support).
What is Measured?
All areas covered by FPC CBP assistance are assessed in detail:
I. Capacity to Comply with International Codes and Standards
II. FPC Policy Action Plan
III. Legal and Institutional Framework
IV. Management, Supervision, and Working Environment
V. Acceptance of Data, Analysis, and Policy
VI. Trained Team Available to Monitor and Manage FPC
VII. Human Resources
VIII. Conduct of Surveys
IX. Non-Survey Reporting Mechanisms
X. Recording and Compilation
XI. FAL and Macroeconomic Analysis
XII. Investor Perception and CSR Analysis
XIII. Political Priority and Leadership
XIV. Transparency, Evaluation and Control
Documentation and Downloads
Please contact DFI in case of any enquiries.