January 15, 2025
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Inequality and Poverty

DFI is determined to maximise policy actions and finance to fight inequality and poverty across the world. The SDGs have reaffirmed that eliminating poverty and achieving equality for women cannot be achieved without sharply cutting income and wealth inequality in each country. This needs to be a joint effort by governments, international organisations which advise them, civil society, and the private sector, and DFI is helping all four groups.

Latest work DFI carried out in this area:

13 October 2017 – Is the IMF Turning Words Into Action on Inequality?

New RulesDFI co-sponsored a panel in Washington examining how well the IMF is doing in turning its research findings and leaders’ statements on the urgency of reducing inequality into practical action at country level.

It presented the results of three studies: the Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index, showing that virtually no countries are doing enough to fight inequality; the New Rules/FES/DFI Global Financial Institutions Impact Report, which assesses the IMF’s performance as mixed though improving; and the DFI/New Rules report to Oxfam on IMF Tax Technical Assistance and Policy Advice, which finds that the IMF could do much more to make its tax policy support more progressive.

The meeting also discussed an Oxfam report assessing broader IMF policy advice, which finds that much more could be done.



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