16 March. Latest DFI Activities / Missions
During the first ten weeks of 2010, DFI has participated in World Bank Debt Management facility missions to Nepal (Debt Management Performance Assessment) and the Solomon Islands (Debt Management Reform Programme), Inter-Parliamentary Union Missions to Cambodia and Vietnam looking at the potential role of parliamentarians in increasing aid effectiveness; an UNCTAD consultation on South-South Cooperation; reviews of profiles of major Southern donors for Oxford Analytica; and several consultations on legal action against vulture funds, and financing the MDGs.
It completed new studies on South-South cooperation and mutual accountability for the UNDCF, and a survey of LICs on future allocation of DFID's aid resources to multilateral institutions; and embarked on a global survey of mutual accountability with UNDCF/UNDP, preparation of inputs for the UN Secretary-General's report to ECOSOC on development cooperation in June, and a study for Oxfam of how the global financial crisis has impacted on MDG-related spending.