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13 September - DFI Contributes to UNESCO’s Flagship Education Report

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UnescoDFI was commissioned by UNESCO to provide a background paper and case studies which were used for the new Global Education Monitoring Report. This publication series provides independent monitoring and reporting of the Sustainable Development Goal on education (SDG 4) and on education in the other SDGs, for the next fifteen years.

The 2016 instalment entitled “Education for People and Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All” aims to bring insight for governments and policymakers to monitor and accelerate progress towards SDG 4.

On the basis of the data collected for the Government Spending Watch initiative it manages, DFI contributed a background paper on “Integrated financial planning and SDG readiness in the education sector” which helps build the evidence for how prepared for a more holistic and integrated approach to financial planning developing countries are, in light of the new SDG agenda. DFI also prepared two case studies focusing on SDG readiness in South Africa and Colombia.

Related information on the report is available here.