February 6, 2025
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Global Financial Impact (GFI)

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Are The Multilateral Organisations Fighting Inequality Cover2At the same roundtable in New York, DFI, New Rules for Global Finance and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung are also launching the report: Are The Multilateral Organisations Fighting Inequality?, which analyses the impact that the UN, IMF, OECD, World Bank, FSB and G20 are having on supporting countries across the world to fight inequality more effectively. The report scores and ranks each of the organisations for their impact across various policy transmission mechanisms, especially on tax, spending, labour and development financing policies. It finds that readiness and impact in fighting inequality is greatest in the UN, especially through its support to countries provided by UNDP and specialised agencies such as the ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO and UN Women.

At the other end of the spectrum, the G20 has only focussed intermittently on inequality and has therefore achieved very little. The report has been compiled through a lengthy process of consultation with experts from within each institution and inputs from independent representatives of civil society organisations working on inequality issues, including the ITUC, Oxfam, SOAS, Finance Watch, the University of Laval and RTpay. You can now consult the executive summary.

The full report and chapters on the other individual institutions will be rolled out in a series of launch events involving each of the organisations studied, during the remainder of 2017.

The report makes strong recommendations for each of the organisations (including the UN) to improve their performance and demonstrate clear impact on fighting inequality, and will be published annually in future years, shining a spotlight each year on the support the multilateral system is providing to fighting inequality.