January 15, 2025
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FPC Summary Scores

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The scores and how to interpret them are based on the Guidelines and Methodology presented on the accompanying page. Progress is assessed by country by region during Phase 3 of the FPC CBP (April 2007 – September 2009). Eight countries joined at the start, and 8 towards the end.

The 8 early entrants attained high capacity overall (3.57) and in 11 of 14 Areas assessed, progressing 75% towards their targets. The 8 late entrants progressed less owing to the limited time available, but have been catching up strongly since. Most progress was attained in conducting surveys (this area typically increases fastest early on).

Capacity building priorities include Policy Action Plans; acceptance of data, analysis, and policy; availability of a trained team; human resources; non-survey reporting mechanisms; recording and compilation; and transparency, evaluation and control.

Progress and priorities vary by country and region. Scores may be downloaded here. They should be referred to along side the Guidelines and Methodology document.