February 6, 2025
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Commonwealth Secretariat Debt Recording and Management System (CS-DRMS)

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CS-DRMS, an integrated tool for recording, analysing and reporting public sector debt, is constantly evolving to match the ways in which debt management is reshaping itself. The software adopts a holistic approach through the extensive coverage of various types and categories of debt liability and debt related financial instruments for sovereign as well as sub-national governments.

CS-DRMS is designed to manage both conventional and complex financial agreements (loans and securities) offered by a wide range of creditors and capital markets. The software, supporting sound debt management practices, is a comprehensive debt data repository system and helps maintain an updated debt position for a borrower. It supports crucial debt operations like debt service payments, monitoring of new borrowings and a host of analytical functions. The software promotes greater efficiency in debt management operations.

CS-DRMS provides the users with a facility to capture loan instrument transactions at each stage of the loan cycle, thereby giving users:

  • Comprehensive external debt recording module for private and public debt;
  • Enhanced domestic debt module to record and maintain a diversified range of domestic debt instruments;
  • An on-lending capabilities to assist governments in their lending and managing on-lending loans to public corporations and private sector;
  • A debt analytical package called Management Tools;
  • Short-term debt module to capture various types of short-term debt including contingent liabilities and other short-term domestic debt and arrears;
  • An integrated debt-reporting facility flexible enough to satisfy a variety of users of debt information including compilers of balance of payment and government finance statistics;
  • Flexible links to other systems to allow export and import of debt data.

CS-DRMS integrates with financial systems and allows seamless exchange of debt related data for improving efficiency and accuracy of information. It manages any portfolio size: small, medium or large; and its modular design means that it can be installed and configured to function independently or across back, middle and front offices.

CS-DRMS has grown over the years to achieve the leadership status in the area of sovereign debt information management solutions. As a result of its popularity, the number of countries using CS-DRMS (available in both English and French) has risen shapely on annual basis since its first installation.

Please note that with the recent release of Meridian, DFI is no longer offering the product. We are, however, providing support for CS-DRMS as well as assistance to migrate to Meridian.