April 28, 2024
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10 April - OIF Ministers Urge Continued Aid, Pursue Tax Revenue Analysis

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Spring Meeting 14DFI provided technical support for the OIF Ministerial and Technical Meetings of the Finance Minister’s network on financing for development. The Ministerial Meeting focussed on discussion with the OECD of current plans to track “Total Official Development Support” and to change definitions of ODA concessionality and content. Ministers urged that aid should continue to flow to LDCs, LICs and LMICs with high levels of poverty and other needs, and that any definitions should encourage continued aid flows and be coherent with recent IMF concessionality definitions. They agreed to make further inputs to the OECD at technical and ministerial levels over the next six months. The technical meeting discussed current findings and next steps in a comprehensive study of how to increase tax revenue in Francophone LICs, with a particular emphasis on progressivity and reducing global tax evasion.