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11 July – Ouagadougou - DFI Report on Inequality in the Sahel Discussed at Inequality Forum

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DFI has drafted a report on Inequality in the Sahel for Oxfam West Africa, which was discussed at a regional inequality multi-stakeholder forum in Ouagadougou. The paper emphasised the close links between growing inequality, climate change and political instability and insecurity in the region, which has also been also confronted by triple crises of COVID-19, debt and austerity. In this context, governments are doing far too little to reduce inequality, with more than 2/3 of the workforce having no labour rights leading to extreme wage inequality; governments spending well below needed amounts on education, health and social protection; and overdependence on unprogressive taxes such as VAT. It recommends a new social contract for the region focussed on enhancing labour rights, more progressive taxation and enhanced social spending.